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Tariffs on Chinese goods are hurting U.S. coronavirus fight
Donald Trump advisor: U.S. will keep tariffs on China even if coronavirus starts hurting growth
China to cut tariffs on US imports as coronavirus threatens economy
Gary Cohn, ex-Trump adviser, says China tariffs "totally hurt the U.S."
The Point: How much pain will Trump's tariffs bring to Americans?
Virus causes U.S. to relax China tariffs
China Retaliates With Tariffs On U.S. Goods In Trade Tit-For-Tat | NBC Nightly News
How the coronavirus, tariffs and counterfeit goods take a toll on global markets and consumers
China halves tariffs on $75 billion worth of US goods, as coronavirus outbreak escalates
It would be wise to remove U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods, says former ambassador
Tariff Battle Could Hurt Trump in US Heartland
Trump threatens trade-war; China pledges to fight back